Friday, May 11

Be Our Guest

Instead of having the regular Friday Favorite entry - this week, I was lucky enough to have a friend offer her wisdom for a post. This may become a weekly feature; depending on the people involved and their braveness :)
Without further ado, please welcome Nicole. ;)

Hi everyone, I am a dear friend of Krystin’s and her number one fan!  Although she comes up with great things to share with you all, I feel that she should take advantage of all the people she can touch.  So she allowed me to be a one-time only guest blogger.  I would LOVE to take this opportunity to talk about recycling (as all my friends are rolling their eyes because I never shut up about it).  But it really is important, to us and our planet.  Recycling saves energy, reduces pollution and preserves the environmental condition (global warming), preserves natural resources (not having to cut down so many trees), and reduces waste products in landfills.

Interesting facts:

·         Running your faucet for 5 minutes uses up enough energy to run a 60 watt light bulb for 14 hours.

·         The process of recycling paper instead of making it from new materials generates 74 percent less air pollution and uses 50 percent less water.

·         Recycling steel and tin cans saves 74 percent of the energy used to make them.

·         Americans throw away enough aluminum every month to rebuild our entire commercial air fleet.

·         Enough plastic bottles are thrown away in the United States each year to circle the earth four times.

I believe if everyone does their part in recycling we could make the planet a better place (who doesn’t want that).  Easy things you can do to recycle are to recycle the goods you use daily, reuse products you can, use reusable shopping bags every time, conserve your water, and carpool.

It’s up to us to want to inhabit a healthier planet and to make a difference.  Go Green and recycle, please for you, me and your kids, kids. 


  1. This article really made me re-think my wasteful habits!

    If you keep it up, in a couple of years you might become famous.

  2. Two Green Thumbs Up!
