Wednesday, July 10

Squash Cake

The other day, I posted a picture on my instagram of my very first squash cake. I follow a few health & fitness accounts on there; by follow, I mean look to them for inspiration to work out and eat healthy - and sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Guilty.
This time, I got serious. I was leaving the gym and knew that I had to go grocery shopping. Per usual, I was buying the staple items that I always throw in the cart. I remembered seeing a picture of a 'squash cake' and thought that I should try it.
You may think it sounds disgusting and that's okay - because I did, too. Even in the middle of the cooking process, I thought "I'm either going to eat this and still be starving, or I'm going to hate it and throw it out in disgust".
Neither were true! It was actually delicious and I was s t u f f e d!
So, I saw this recipe and kind of did my own version of it.

BEFORE you judge: It tasted like a peanut butter surprise. It was delicious. I couldn't even finish all of it.
I used (did not measure exactly):
About 1 cup of fat free, plain greek yogurt
Organic peanut butter - about a tablespoon?
Almond milk with coconut - just a splash!
Cinnamon - a dash
Vanilla extract - very little
I cooked:
Cut and then cook the squash in the microwave for about 5-7 min
While that was going on, I mixed my ingredients above in a separate bowl
Once the squash was done, I scooped out most of it and mashed it up
Mixed squash with filling - put filling back in squash
Pop that baby in the microwave again for about 3-4 minutes
I ate.

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