Friday, August 3

Friday Favorite

I have a secret to admit; I received one of those make up boxes for Christmas this past year - you know, they come with a million eye shadows, blushes and lip gloss? Well, I was admittedly being a huge snob when it came to this gift - refused to use it. After all, what make up box ever ends up being useful and actually contains good product?
Uh, this one! I decided to use it for the first time this week - and I'm in love! It's from Ulta (which has it's own good brand, so I guess I just have a grudge against make up boxes), and the eye shadows are great! I feel like I just went out and spent $500 on new make up (and that is the best feeling in the world, without the guilt).
So naturally, this had to be my Friday Favorite.
an array of eye shadows

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