Friday, March 22

Guest Post: 10 Things Girls Should Know.

Alright ladies. Now that it’s 2013 you all should know the do’s, don'ts, wants, needs, likes, dislikes, turn on’s, turn offs, limits and boundaries of guys by now. I mean the list of “should know’s” could go on forever. But right now I’m going to do the impossible and narrow down this long list to just 10 Things a Girl Should Know About Guys by Now. I’m gonna to try to do so without upsetting the fellas and giving away many of our secrets that allow us to stay on top of our game.
Here we go:
10. Girls Should Know By Now: Guys HATE private Instagram pages! Don’t follow us and expect to get a follow back if we cannot see your page and check out who you are first. It’s bad enough we can’t tell who you are by name because majority of you have these ridiculous names like InstaBeautiChick69, ImSoFineFollowMe, PrettybadChickYewshouldFollow, GoldenbrownPr3ttyiiZZ and all that other foolishness. Unlock it.
9. Girls Should Know By Now: Guys don’t believe in Soulmates. Sorry.
8. Girls Should Know By Now: Guys love yoga pants and leggings. When in doubt, you can’t go wrong with those as an outfit choice. Throw a pair of leggings with your hair up in what y'all call a “high pony” and you WIN. That being said, yoga pants and leggings ain't for everybody, ima just leave it at that. Bonus:Boyshorts trump everything*
7. Girls Should Know By Now: Guys never just wanna be friends. There is no such thing as a guy and girl being best friends. A guy you’re talking to will never believe that the other guy you’re texting is “just a friend.” Because more than likely he himself started out as just a friend and he knows what his intentions were the whole time. The “best guy friend” usually has an ulterior motive, and if he doesn’t he would still hit it if you gave him the chance. If you even hint that there’s a chance for him, he will act on it. So don’t be naive.
6. Girls Should Know By Now: Guys love the “Scooch” move. And you all know what the Scooch move is. When your laying in bed together, you aren’t exactly cuddling super close and tight, then the girls puts her back towards the guy and starts scooching, wiggling her way in with her butt as if she’s trying to get closer to cuddle, but it gets to the point where she is now grinding on him, that’s the signal to let us know you ready. It works 100% of the time. If you try it and the guy doesn’t go for it he’s gay, no doubt.
5. Girls Should Know By Now: Guys don’t wanna be asked a lot of questions. Period.
4. Girls Should Know By Now: Guys don’t like the “morning after linger”. If he lets you sleepover, do not linger around the house for the rest of the next day if you are not in a relationship. If possible, leave while he’s still asleep, never stay past lunch. You’ll earn points.
3. Girls Should Know By Now: Sports will always be first. Know it, understand it, support it and deal with it. You do that; it will get you very, very far. And yes, from 11pm-12pm SportsCenter will be on the TV and it will be the same exact show over and over. We will watch it every hour like we’ve never seen it before, so what don’t complain. Act like you enjoy.
2. Girls Should Know By Now: Just because a guy hooks up with you doesn’t mean he’s ready to be Facebook official with you already. It’s only been a week. Chill.
1. Girls Should Know By Now: Guys need their space. Not too much space; you don’t wanna leave him wondering where you’re at and who you’re with because then he will move on to the next. But just enough space so it shows that you care and like him, but not over bearing and you’re cool with whatever y'all have going. Give the right amount of space so you’re that girl he can stick up for to his boys during a guy talk/argument because they rippin’ on him for letting you sleep over last night: “nah she’s not like that, she’s cool.” Be his chill chick.
Well, there y'all have it - a strong list of 10. It wasn’t easy but we got it done. I would love to do this again. I think a Part 2 list needs to come out very soon. We shall see.

guest post by: desmond randall.

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