Thursday, March 14

Dry Shampoo

As you may know, I've been on the hunt for a good dry shampoo (thrilling, I know). For a girl on a budget, I certainly have high quality, high price products that I can never seem to pass up. I refused to do this with a dry shampoo, because honestly, it's just not that exciting to me. Practical - yes. Good for my hair - yes. Exciting - no.
The thing is, I want to wash my hair every day. It gives you that oomph; that shine and volume that I just don't have when I skip a day of shampooing.
So when I was making one of my weekly Target hauls (which really needs to stop), I purchased the tres emme dry shampoo (seen here). Could just be my hair, but I felt like it made it worse. It wasn't a powder - it was more like a hairspray, which didn't help at all. It smelled nice, but I still looked like I just poured some olive oil on top of my head. So attractive.
This week, I decided maybe I should just stick to my budget. Not that tres emme products aren't inexpensive, but let's face it: when you go to Target once a week, you should probably watch what you spend. Or just don't go at all - but that's neither here nor there.
I bought Suave's dry shampoo - for like $3. I'm so much happier with the results. It's a spray, but a spray powder. I managed through the day without feeling completely disgusting and oily, and I saved a few dollars. Suave's product has mineral clay, which refreshes the hair and absorbs oil. I give it 2 thumbs up, and so does my wallet.

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