Wednesday, August 14

My Week with Food

I know it's only Wednesday, but so far, my week with food has been quite an eye opener.
I've been on a really good path with eating healthy, going to the gym 4-5 times a week and really focusing on myself. I am my own worst critic, and always thought I could be doing better.
Until this week. My job (department, specifically) deals with a lot of television and radio sales reps. This week involves previewing new fall programming, as well as many, many delicious but unhealthy lunches.
I guess I really was doing great before, because I have literally felt like CRAP this entire week. I know I should be able to control my portions. I know I should be able to balance this shitty food with healthier, greener foods when I get home. But once you have a meatball sandwich, why stop there, right? (WRONG).

I've tried the good old 'get up early and work out before work' thing, and let's face it, that doesn't happen. So, here's to another heavy lunch, and the county fair later, and to most likely gaining 5 pounds just this week.

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