Wednesday, February 5

Valentine's Day Lips

I can totally understand why some people hate Valentine's Day. I get it. It's an excuse to overload on chocolate, buy gifts, cute cards and face it - you're not a fan of it if you're single. We won't call you a Bitter Betty, we'll just move on.

But hello, even if you are single, it doesn't mean you can't take advantage of the holiday's main color palette (pink and red, duh) in your make-up routine.

I've done three different lips you can rock on Valentine's Day. I've said before how much I love a red, bold lip, so this isn't new to me. But maybe some of you will just be sooo inspired by this post you'll pull a fast one on everyone and dare to be red (or pink. or fuchsia).

Here's to hoping! Xo.

Here's what we're working with:
they look identical, but I swear they aren't. festive is a lip tint,
which is between a gloss and a balm. Heartfelt is a lip creme, and
goes on a bit thicker. Both amazing.

this is for the REBEL's out there - because of the obvious.
This combo is to die for, if you're not shy about the dark, rich plum color it provides.

Step 1: I always conceal my lips, to even out the tone.

Step 2: Line those lips!

Festive; a lighter, red balm-tint

Heartfelt; a medium, fuchsia creme. 

woah, woah. Rebel + Nightmoth liner. 

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