Tuesday, July 2

The Josephine Files - #7

I had to look back into my posts to see how long it's been since I've wrote about good ol Josephine.
It's been a looong time - but she hasn't been on her A-game with comments; until last night.

I stopped over to visit her late last night (9pm) where she went on to invite me to eat carrot cake and/or popcorn. Clearly she's not aware it's bikini season and those types of foods are not welcome past 6pm. Okay, 7pm.

Anyways, she started to tell me a story about a couple in their mid-40's that live together, go on trips with each other, but aren't together, if you get my drift. She must have thought that I in fact did NOT get her drift because she proceeded to explain that they don't have sex. I don't know how she knows this, but she seemed pretty upset about it.

I was encouraging continuing the conversation with her by making sidebar comments, asking questions, the usual.

"What kind of relationship is that?" I asked.

"Who knows ... not one that I would want, I'll tell ya" Josephine stated.

(awesome - thank you for that, Josie)

"Yea, it definitely sounds like they're just close friends" I said.

"Psh. Well I'd say to him 'Sure - we can be friends. Friends with benefits!'" she exclaimed.


She surprised me with that one. I was pretty stunned.

After one last offer of carrot cake, popcorn and now coffee, I decided it was time to go.
I'm still not over the fact that my 86 year old grandmother knows the term 'friends with benefits', but you just can't make this stuff up.

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