I've had a stubborn blemish on the left side of my face that refuses to go away. It's made itself a home and has been there for about 2 weeks (I kid you not). In all my fury, I did some research on home remedies for pimples and blemishes. I thought I'd share with you, in case you ever have this horrible situation happen.
The best non-prescription blemish-targeted remedies have benzol-peroxide or salicylic acid in them. But if you don't anticipate your skin freaking out, there are things around the house that you can use in a crunch.
Grab a cotton swab and apply an antibiotic cream, like Neosporin - or you could also use a hydro cortisone anti-itch cream.
Don't have either of those? Crush up an aspirin and make a thick paste by adding a few drops of water. Aspirin and salicylic acid are chemically similar.
This one I was surprised by -- Honey. Dab on the honey with a cotton ball or swab and leave it on for a few hours, or even overnight. Honey has great antiseptic properties that will help further infection.
Toothpaste is the original go-to for any blemish. Just make sure it's the
original paste. Don't try and be fancy with the swirly mint gel.
Ice Cubes - for the redness. Hold the ice cube on your blemish for a few minutes. It should tone down the redness around the blemish and reduce inflammation.
I hope this helps any future "what-the-hell-grew-on-my-face" moments. :)