Monday, December 30

What I Love About Vacation

Although I didn't travel, having several days off of work to unwind and catch up on things really felt great. Here are a few highlights of my days away from the office:

a mini sephora haul, compliments of christmas gift cards :)
Reviews will be up soon!

With all of the hype of the upcoming new year and resolutions consistently being made, this quote I came across last night really inspired me, and kind of wrapped all of my resolutions into one big bow.
Do you have any new, challenging resolutions for the new year? Or are yours something that you didn't quite stick to last year?

Friday, December 13

Friday Favorite

revlon colorburst in shameless

one way to dress up the messy bun look

cannot get enough of this face! friend's new puppy.

creative table top and a glass of vino.

Thursday, December 12

Thursday Song

I was watching the VS Fashion Show on Tuesday and they premiered their holiday commercial; while I was thinking about how much more I should work out, I was also really loving the song they used.

Monday, December 9

What I Love About Sunday

Sunday was the start of a tradition (hopefully) with my friends and I. We bravely took on the task of having a cookie day; baking homemade Christmas cookies. All day. We slaved in the kitchen for hours, making dough and icing from scratch, followed by an intense icing competition. And while our "red" food coloring turned out to be a bright hue of pink, we made it work. Because we're clearly professionals.

the final results..

Friday, December 6

Friday Favorite

getting festive 'round these parts.

a festive green & gold mani

attempting homemade christmas cards this year

cookies I made. just kidding - my best friends and I are having a cookie day on Sunday
and I clearly have high, high hopes on the decorating portion.

Tuesday, December 3

What I Love About Sunday

More like: what I love about a long break, getting together with family, shopping, cozy mornings that include coffee in bed and long walks with my pal, Brutus.

winter walks with brutus aren't so bad when you have this view

a local brewery, fireside and holiday decor. pretty perfect.

shopping local;  check out FarmTeam Apparel

new specs! pretty excited about the great finds on warby parker
late night cuddle session with this guy.