Each year, we have a chance to start fresh. New Year's brings out the ambition that people seem to lack throughout the rest of the year. Resolutions are made; some kept, some forgotten, and some to which we give 'exceptions' for (like diets). No matter what resolutions are made, one thing remains: the excitement for the year to come. So as I was thinking of my own list of resolutions to make, I thought that it's also important to look at the year that we're leaving behind. What did 2011 bring and teach you? Resolutions are all about change, but are there things in the past year that you we're really great at, and want to continue? It may seem challenging, but I believe in making new resolutions AND keeping up with the old. Couldn't hurt to try, right? Oh, and as for the cake pops ... I could only salvage a few that actually looked decent. The recipe made it seem much easier than it actually was. I'll add it to the resolution list to become a better baker.
Happy New Year!